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About Us

The Assessor's Office goal is to produce the tax warrant with fair and equalized property values. The Assessor's Office is not responsible for high or low taxes. The aim of all Assessors is the equalization of assessed valuations in order that the burden of taxes may be distributed evenly and in accordance with the value of property each taxpayer owns. All real and personal property, not exempt by law, is subject to taxation. The major duties of the Assessor’s Office can be categorized as discovering, listing, classifying and valuing all taxable real and personal property and all property granted exemption by the Division of Property Taxation that is located within the county on the assessment date.

The Assessor's Office collects data on all property including exempt property. This data includes a description of the improvements, land size, assessed value, legal description, ownership, property address and owner address. The Assessor's maps provide a description of the site shape and size. The Assessor cannot and does not levy taxes. The levying of taxes is done by a constituted taxing authority within each taxing district.


PO Box 67
6683 County Rd. 13
Conejos, CO 81129

Phone: (719) 376-5585
Fax: (719) 376-2442


Naomi Keys

Sandra Cordova

Thomas Brinkley


Hour of Operation:

Monday thru Friday, 8:am to 4:30 pm (except holidays)




The information contained below is an effort to keep taxpayers informed about Colorado’s Property Tax system.

The Notice of Valuation which you will receive by the first of May should show the 2025 Market Value of your property as of June 30, 2024 less any reduction that the legislature may have voted in.  Remember the value of the property should include all buildings and land that you had as of January 1, 2025 but based on the June 2024 valuation. 

Sales used for analysis are valid, arms-length transactions that represent the market in our area.  Each category of property is analyzed separately to take into consideration the differences in vacant land, residential property, and commercial property.

Agricultural land is valued in a different manner which is a 10-year average of earning capability and capitalized at thirteen percent.  This valuation method was set by Colorado Statute years ago.

How are my property taxes calculated?

Property taxes are calculated by multiplying your assessed value by the mill levy for the tax area your property falls within.

The Colorado Constitution determines the assessment rate that will be used to calculate the properties assessed value.

Mill Levies are levied by the entities within the area where your property is located.  The entities in your area are broken down on your property tax notice each year and may include the county, fire district, cemetery district, school district, and water districts.  The State has given a $55,000 reduction for residential improved property and a $30,000 reduction for commercial improved property.  This reduction expires with the 2025 taxes payable in 2026.

A sample of a couple of properties in the same district with the same value but different classifications of property:


                          Residential                                   Commercial

Value:                   200,000                                      200,000

Reduction              55,000                                         30,000  

 Reduced Value   145,000                                        170,000

Assessment Rate     X  .06700                                    X .2790 

Assessed Value        9,715                                          47,430

Tax Rate                  .078450 mills                        78.450 mills

Taxes……………        $ 762.14                                  $3,720.88


Taxes without Reduction        $1,051.24                  $4,377.52